Bring New Possibilities and Capabilities to Your Next Laser CNC Machine Tool
Many new ideas in CNC laser micromachining and 3D printing need a platform that doesn’t constrain the designer’s creativity. This is where a Polaris CNC motion control system is of value. The high data rates, flexible programming environment, ease of use and high reliability provide an ideal platform to realize those ground breaking ideas. Control your stage, Galvo scanners and lasers in perfect synchronization.

Vector Laser Etching Featuring Infinite Field View (IFOV)
Check Out the Video below…

About Polaris Motion
Polaris Motion specializes in control solutions for CNC machines in laser-based manufacturing, diamond tool cutting and grinding of optical surfaces and for specialized CNC machines in other high performance areas.
Our catalog (5MB) may be downloaded here.
Best regards,
Mile Erlic
Polaris Motion