Polaris 2D Galvoscanner
Polaris Motion’s 2D Galvoscanner has an aperture of 10mm. It may be ordered for a number of laser wavelengths, including 10.6 microns, and 1064/512/355nm. A customer may order a f-theta lens, a telecentric lens or they may use their own lens for a large number of scan field size and focal length options. Advanced, curve-based 2D lens correction algorithms guarantee the creation of accurate laser processed parts.
10mm Scanner Aperture with Gbps Real Time Motion Control
The Polaris 2D scan head natively integrates with the Gbps, real-time Mercury™ motion control network. The Polaris UniverseOne motion controller controls the scan head and stage axes for seamless integration and performance with 3-axis CNC machine tool stages.
By virtue of the Mercury real-time, Gbps high-speed motion network, stage servo error is communicated to the Polaris Galvo scanner in real-time for dynamic stage error compensation.