Polaris 3rd Party Drive Interface Modules
Polaris UniverseOne™ motion control systems are able to accommodate 3rd party actuator systems, including servo drive/motor sets, Japanese style AC servomotor sets, and step drive/motor sets. Two modules are available which are the Polaris Servo Module (PSM) and Polaris Pulse module (PPM). Each provides an interface to control four motors.

The PSM module receives a stream of position setpoints from the Polaris UniverseOne™ motion controller for up to 4 motion axes. The module reads the quadrature encoders from the motors or the simulated quadrature encoders from the drives, computes the PID servo loops and sends ±10V torque control signals to the 3rd party drive inputs. Servomotor actuators from companies such as Parker and Kollmorgan can be controlled using a Polaris PSM module.